Sunday 16 May 2010

Some Non-New Year's Resolutions

So, here in Preston, it has officially reached broiling temperatures. It is probably about 10000000 degrees, and I don't care if you read that in Celsius or Farenheit...its hot. I can't sleep, so I figured now would be a good time to write another post.
All of this blistering summer weather has gotten me thinking about winter, and somewhere along the line, I ended up thinking about New Years. I was thinking about New Year's resolutions. I guess the big cliché is that no one ever keeps them. However, I was wondering if I started making some resolutions for the upcoming academic year, would I be able to stick to them?
Obviously this summer is going to be super busy. I am going to be living with one of my besties, Suz, in Boston, (Massachusetts, not Lincolnshire) and trying to find some kind of job. It is important that I maintain my French over the summer. (And Spanish for that matter!) Therefore, I am setting up 'resolutions' that I plan to do over the FOURTEEN WEEK summer holiday.

Betsy's Summer Resolutions
1. I will listen to at least a half hour of French radio and/or some non-subtitled French program each day(And I actually mean listen...not just turn it on and do something else...)
2. I will try to learn a French word a day (I happen to think is ACE!)
3. If my schedule permits, I will attend a French speaking meetup group in Boston.
4. I will keep in touch with my French friends via email.
5. I will read at least one French book.

So, these are my plans for the summer. Is it crazy that I am setting myself homework, just because I don't have any from actual lecturers? Does it make me nerdy or just insane? I will keep you updated on how my resolutions are holding up, and I am sure I will have a new list for the beginning of the academic year.

In the meantime, if anyone has any suggestions for more resolutions/radio stations/books I could read over summer, that would be particularly helpful. I have to keep my mind going otherwise I will spend every day watching 'How I Met Your Mother' and not doing anything productive!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Betsy,

    Glad to see that you are making so much progress and getting excited for your year abroad. I am sure you will have no trouble maintaining your French momentum through the summer!

    In response to your inquiry about French language sites, I strongly recommend France 2 ( If you watch the "Journaux Télévisés," you will get solid news coverage and practice your aural comprehension.

    Otherwise, I can't wait to see you soon. Keep us posted with the good news!

