Saturday 19 March 2011

Hello to all my loyal followers! I apologise for not posting in such a long time. My computer exploded. Literally. It burst into flames. For some reason it started making an odd sound, then it started smoking and poof! Up in flames.

Anyway, life in and out of Amiens has been pretty exciting. Since the French love themselves some vacation time, I had a three week random February holiday. During this time I traveled to Preston to see friends and professors. It was very odd being in a town where I have lived, and sleeping on the floor of friend's flats. I felt like I should have been unlocking the door to my house and going back to my room!

It was really interesting to see some of my friends after nearly a year of living in France. Strangely enough, things have not changed much between spite of some of them working, some of them being in their final year of uni, and others coming from their respective parts of France. We are still the 'French girls'.

I'll write another post as soon as I think of one, but for now I just wanted to provide a quick insight into what I have been doing lately!